Registering of Public Benefit Organization Status

OPP (public benefit organization) status gives the organization enormous opportunities to obtain additional funds for running a business. Starting from the possibility of receiving 1% tax through the opportunity to participate in dedicated programs and grants. OPP status raises the reputation and prestige of the organization, which is perceived very positively in the eyes of contractors and partners. OPP is also a duty which non-compliance threatens to lose this status.

The registration process before the National Court Register and obtaining the statutes of a public benefit organization should be properly prepared. Many organizations, despite fulfilling statutory criteria, are struggling with a complicated registration process in front of a registry court. As part of our professional practice, we deal with the preparation of full documentation and the process of OPP status registration in the Court. Thanks to legal support, the organization obtains the necessary legal assistance in the registration process, which helps in its faster and successful completion.