A case in court? What’s next?
Our Law Firm offers legal assistance at every stage of civil matters, with particular emphasis on family and guardianship matters. The subject matter of the above matters is very wide, ranging from cases for payment or compensation and redress, through inheritance matters, to divorce cases and the division of property.
Legal practice shows that court cases that are characterized by high emotions are matters related to financial settlements, and cases in which the interests of interested parties are indirectly and even directly involved. This is the case for cases regarding parental authority, establishing contact with a child or in a case of alimony. It should be remembered that the guiding principle of the court adjudicating in family and guardianship matters is the principle of the child’s good. The child’s parent who is involved in the case must convince the court that he is the one who gives the best guarantee of a proper education of a minor, wishing that the minor will be entrusted to him.
A solicitor is a fully competent person to indicate to such persons how to solve their problem and inform about their rights and obligations under the law. It should be remembered that some civil matters can be settled with the participation of a notary public who, upon the customer’s request, draws up a notarial deed.